










该走了,不管我愿不愿意,下个月以后我就要踏进崭新的世界了 。




前几天看了个综艺节目,偶然地留意到其中一句话,觉得略有意思:“爱情不是选择题,而是难题”。于是把那么一句话放在msn 的pm(personal message)。怎知道后来同学们纷纷都放了些相关的pm, 连一些受英文教育的同学也造起华语句子来。我觉得挺幽默的,就抄了些放上部落格来了。

爱情不是问题,是没问题:p (恋爱中的女同学)

爱情不是问题, 没有问题的爱情才是问题 (反击恋爱中的女同学的男同学)

成绩只是失去或拥有。幸福就是我们最想要得文凭 (曾经拥有的爱情男)

为什么大家的msn 这么感性呢?(英文教育的朋友,有幽默到,搞笑!)





难以想象如果自己毕不了业的话爹娘会怎么样的灰心。最后那一天还是来了,就在昨天。把一切心血在半小时里呈现,得来的是贬词一堆。那时真有些心灰意冷。这个故事告诉我们, 努力不一定会成功,但不努力就一定失败!


最近和好朋友分享的一首歌:萧敬藤的 say a lil something

有空去听听吧,个人觉得蛮不错的歌(虽然好友说不喜欢, 哈!搞笑)




不单纯后, 写的文字间也少了轻快的节奏,感觉慌乱了思维在写这心灵里正攀上高山却又摇摆在风中的心情。最近喜欢听歌, 也唱唱喜欢的歌。天气越来越热。。。



很久没和自己约会,也很久没有安静了。就算是一个人在房间,也少有真正静下来的时刻。今天心情有些低潮,从早上睡到下午整整睡了四个多小时,所以傍晚的时候决定去找个安静的地方。我骑着小白往大学诊疗所旁的一个湖边出发,才停下单车来,就看见一堆人在那跑步,散心什么的。不能安静下来,所以又往较远的地方前去,那里是个大草场,平时都没看到什么人,今天却是满满的人潮,有足球赛什么的。原来在大学要找个舒服可以安静的地方是件略难的事,于是我去到大学外一个小公园试试运气。到了那里, 又是类似的状况。哈!下午没吃什么饭,突然就饿了,放弃寻找公园之类的地方,回到大学找了个少人的地方,然后就叫了普通的nasi lemak。我就这样坐着写这篇分享篇。今晚一个人吃饭的感觉还不赖,哈!
恩,最近在看着一本小说,薄伽丘的爱情谈。里面有爱情十三问,很有想法的爱情观。我不确定要不要写个特写,因为不是一问二问而是十三问。等我看完了后再说吧。本身比较偏向喜欢翻译文学小说。也许是因为写实的西洋爱情总是把爱情心理描写的如此清澈,又或许是带着忧郁的那些主角们特别吸引我。自己也分不清为何了,就是喜欢翻译文学。印象中最喜欢的一本小说是“少年维特的烦恼”,这是十六世纪德国出炉的世界名著。当时代造成了一定的轰动,有部分看了小说的人走上了自杀的路,所以我不鼓励你去看。除非你懂得生命的可贵, 那么我欢迎你用你心里感性的部分去看看这本小说吧,然后可以分享心得。

圣笔于  2010224          7.20


Tears Of the Sun

I don’t have class on Monday, not after I drop the Monday subject data mining. Today I wake up on 8, didn’t set alarm for tat. It’s great to wake up “naturally” so you wouldn’t feel disturbed from ur slumber overnight. After making small prayer to God, I went to brush my teeth, then put my clothes into the washing machine. Then I set another movie on “Tears Of The Sun 2003” while waiting for the washing progress. Out of my surprise half an hour later, the clothes was only soaked, not washed by the machine (crap! Ktr should revise the machine functions from time to time). What to do? I have to wash them “manually” lol. Haizzzz….Then I make up my mind to mop my room since I have already get in wet. After tat is a morning bath.
By the end of all tat, it’s nearly 11 d. I sat down and finish the movie. It was about war between American soldiers and guerrilla soldiers in Africa. In war, we can’t really judge whether killing the enemy is a good deed or bad. However, there is this quote by the end of the movie, quite interesting, surprisingly they put tat by the end of the movie, seems to be educational, ha!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”---Edmund Burke
I think it’s partially true, if not all true. Sometime the good men have to rise up to make this world move according to some humanity law. Bad and good sometime cannot differentiate between one another. But there is things u know deep inside ur hearts u cannot do, or u should do. In mandarin we call tat良心,my eng is not pro enuf to translate it into the appropriate word.
Well, tat’s all for tis sharing. Might find no main point here, simply just my thoughts and feelings.All rojak! Have a nice dayJ


I guess this is probably the first time I am actually blogging in english. It’s not tat I am reluctant to blog in english, but I think I have used to involved in creation of my “masterpiece” in mandarin. Ha! Erm, anyhow…here I go for the first bloging in english, might try some more in times to come. Since english is international language, lingua franca (as people call it to be, even mandarin get the second place or so!), I think more might share my thoughts or feeling, at least when I am writing in english.
What to tell? Today is Sunday. I went to service as usual, then I just leave in a hurry. It was strange, my feeling, can’t tell much bout it, but just very uneasy. It was like thousands of ants crawling all over my body. Then I pamper myself with 2 movies (the ugly truth & the lengend of chun li)…wan some comment on the movie? Well, I love the ugly truth more. It is about the story between a man and a women, B&G relationship was “officially” discussed inside the movie, sex-centered. I guess, the ugly truth about man always think of having sex wif women is true. However, I really dun think all man care only about having sex. Sex is not wrong, but having it the wrong way is wrong. What is the wrong way, you might ask? Well, the whole world under the influence of this thing call “mass media” might have told u it’s ok to have sex wif someone u really in love wif in this modern world. If u ask me, I would say a no to tat. I have to admit, the temptation is big, esp the one u in love wif also in love wif u. But I really think sex as a perfect present u give to someone who can love u completely. U can only tell tat wen tat someone willing to have a bonding (marriage) wif u. I know, I am like an old man telling all this stuff. Agree or not, tat’s ur choice, I am just telling my opinion.
These days, I am still thinking of many imperfect things, many of them is about me. I am an imperfect guy.  Hard to express it in words.  Just wan to express my uneasiness, ha! But I’ll try to improve. There is no people born to be loser, u can always strive for wat u long to be in life. Hope I really try my best to be in the position I wan to be.
Later I’ll do my assignment for this week. One thing bother me most now in academic field is the final year project, dunno where to start, and dunno if I can make it. God bless me. Ways to go, everyone!